Friday, June 22, 2012

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Years of children is of course a bad opening, now it is a good chance could not be better.
Funded and Zhang I always discussed this matter with this company three of us equally, each invested 1.2 million if the business up and running, late need additional investment,Cubs Jerseys, and then pro rata. You in the stamp market need the funds, how many used to turnover? just under the downwind boat went on to catch the sending cars, luck is also damn good.
Simple words allows Zhang Ting and Chen Lin, stunned, as the one on the stamp market prices shortly before and seen a hot scene to the two left a very deep impression, while the child is actually so decisively to abandon the current momentum is fierce stamp market, this thoughtful mind their two veteran of the business for many years, also secretly sigh.
The business field, forward-looking market is a must, but only this were not enough, more importantly, is a harsh choice to make timely decisions is to advance or retreat, is a test, especially in the popular City stage of potential crisis quickly spread away from the capital to avoid eventually suffer huge losses, and mercenary merchant, is the most difficult to achieve.
Most people fail not because they do not know the possible dangers of the front, but often just for the sake of profits could not bear to timely close hand, a tragic end when the outcome became a necessity.
Others need even after several years of more than a dozen of the exercise in order to have commercial quality in him seems to be a matter of course there is, Ting on the ability of this beyond common sense really can not understand, ask out as a reporter to do an interview: oakley winks, hand scratched his head, his face looks a little confused: No, but on his own intuition will be able to find the root of the problem, this is not an ordinary person can do. good insight, any line of business has a genius exists.
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oakley hee hee smile: Actually letting this little guy came out on, which makes the mood of ZHANG Ting compete in the more urgent

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